Bethany's Mission Statement
Bethany Reformed Church seeks to be a caring and inclusive community.
Called by Christ to glorify God –
Empowered by the Holy Spirit to express God’s love,
Serve our neighbors and community,
And invite others to follow Christ in a life-changing way.
- Bethany Reformed Church's Mission Statement
The Reformed Church in America is a historic denomination solidly within the mainstream of Protestantism and a member of the Presbyterian family of churches. The word "reformed" comes from the Protestant Reformation which, in the 1500s, swept Europe, including Holland, where it became our ancestor, the Dutch Reformed Church. Dutch immigrants in the 1600s and mid-1800s settling in the East and West assured the establishment of what has become the Reformed Church in America.
We have long since dropped the name "Dutch", and have sought to include people of all ethnic and racial backgrounds in our membership.
Bethany is an open fellowship of Christian people who are trying to share by word, as well as by deed, the good news of Jesus Christ.
We warmly invite you to consider making Bethany your church home, where something wonderful happens every Sunday!