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Pastor's Pondering...

OK, I will admit it. I love feeling connected. I love that I serve a congregation in a denomination that is part of a connectional structure. There are those congregations that are independent, that are not part of a formal denomination. They establish a theology and polity that works for them. They do not answer to any other levels of administration. Sometimes that is good. There is autonomy and flexibility. But the flip side is that there is not much support.

Bethany Reformed Church is part of a connectional denomination; Reformed Church in America. Bethany belongs to the Albany Classis, which belongs to the Albany Synod, which belongs to the General Synod (RCA).

Thanks to being connected over the past few years, we have received support in a variety of ways:
*The Classis provided a Minister Supervisor and Elder Supervisor to help guide the congregation during the Pastoral transition.
*Grant to help with new boilers in 2022. 
*Grant to help with technology in 2023 (Sound System/Wi-Fi).
*Camp Fowler, a place for those off all ages to experience God’s creation, grace, and love, is a part of the Albany Synod.
*The Albany Synod hosts the “Beginnings and Beyond” Annual Conference, in which Pastors who are in their first three years of a call attend (which I did).
*Rev. Abby Norton-Levering from the Synod staff helped facilitate the Appreciate Inquiry Process that the congregation participated in.

Not only do we receive support from the  Classis, the Synod, and the General Synod, but we also support them. Members and ministers serve on various committees at various levels, and we pay/contribute to what is called the “apportionment,” which is paid to the Classis, and percentages are funneled up to the Synod and the General Synod. In the past, the amount congregations paid was based on its membership. Starting in 2024, the Albany Classis went to a new system for figuring out how much a congregation’s apportionment is. It is now based on how much income the congregation has taken in during the year, two years prior (2024’s apportionment is based on 2022).

The Consistory looked at Bethany’s amount, and divided it by our membership. It turned out to be approximately $115 per person for 2024. As we look to be good stewards of our financial resources, the Consistory is hoping that you will prayerfully consider giving $115 earmarked to go towards the apportionment. The Consistory realizes that an additional $115 beyond your regular pledge may be a stretch for many. However, any amount would be helpful and appreciated.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34)

Peace and Grace,
Pastor Elizabeth